Gain Muscle


GAIN MUSCLE! Some tips on what you should be eating and doing for more muscles!

Muscles are beautiful. They give shape and definition to our appearance. However, the strength and power do not come so easily, and by tweaking a few things in our every day routines we can build stronger and more muscle!

1. DIET! Yes, it can't be avoided; nutrition is a very important role for muscle growth and recovery. What you take into your body DOES matter. One of the fundamentals in muscle health is the macronutrient, PROTEIN. Protein is essential for the repair and recovery of muscle. Without an adequate supply, your body will compensate by taking if from the muscle you already have, and you will in fact LOSE muscle!! WHAT?! Yes, your body will get what it needs in protein from your own muscles! So it is important that you take in more protein to feed your muscles and allow them to grow stronger. How much is enough? The average female should consume around 40 grams of protein a day. That number can fluctuate based on gender and activity level. Very active athletes should almost double that amount! Where can you find healthy sources of protein and add it into your diet?

The truth is we live in a carbohydrate-flooded society and it is easy to not include protein in your daily meals. The best way to add protein to your diet is to be sure every meal you eat during the day has added protein.

Lean cuts of beef, poultry or fish
Eggs, legumes, beans, peas
Dark leafy vegetables like spinach and kale In smaller amounts, nuts and diary

By eating protein with good carbohydrates you can increase the absorption of protein into blood and to your working muscles.

Example of Meal: 3oz. Chicken, 1-cup sautéed spinach, 1-cup fruit

2. EXERCISE! To build muscle you must work muscle! When you weight train, you create small tears in the muscle and as it repairs itself it becomes stronger. These “tears” can be caused by high repetitions or larger amount of weight.
Here is a simple workout for arms and legs to build muscle.

A) Triceps Dips 5 X10 repetitions. Rest between each set of 10. Increase number of sets or repetitions to make more difficult.

B) Goblet Squats 10X10 Rest between each set. Hold a weight like a kettlebell or dumb bell. If you increase weight by a lot, then decrease the number of repetitions to 5.