
Add These Exercises to Your Routine for Some Extra Fun and Benefits


Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weeked! I wanted to talk about something that I think we can all relate to. Many of you tell me you really want to lose weight and get in shape…but you’re bored with the same routine and you’re just not having fun.

This is completely understandable and a lot of people feel the same way as you. Not every workout is going to be super exciting. In fact, you may even cut your workouts short or skip them altogether because you just want to go do something fun instead.

For all of you who feel this way, I’m here to help! If you’re lacking entertainment in your workouts and you want to step them up to the next level and benefit from them more, your answers are here. These are a few workouts for you and some different tips on making your workout regimen entertaining!


If you don’t know what Zumba is, it’s a video or class based workout that has you following an instructor and dancing to a bunch of really fun songs. The best part about this workout is that you burn calories and tone your body all at the same time without even realizing it’s even a workout!


For all of you that don’t like the intensity of exercise, try doing yoga instead! Not only is this a really great way to tone your entire body, but you’ll also feel calm and increase your flexibility. The best part about this is that you’ll go away with a really good workout and you’ll feel really relaxed afterwards.

Ultimate Frisbee

For those of you rolling your eyes or even laughing at this one, just remember that playing this can burn you the same as just running on a treadmill or down the street. You’ll burn tons of calories and tone more than just your legs, too.

Dance Class

If none of you have ever taken a hip-hop dance class but you hate exercising, you may want to reconsider. Even if you’re an awful dancer, going to this dance class can help you burn some serious calories all while you’re dancing and hanging out with friends!


If you’re the outdoorsy type, you can be guaranteed that this workout will benefit you more than forcing yourself to do a bunch of boring lifts. Not only will this help your cardio, but adding a weighted backpack with even just a picnic lunch and some water will help add some muscle to your legs and core. AND you get to enjoy an amazing view as your reward.

Tips for Making it Fun

Get a Workout Buddy

This is one of the best ways to make working out fun and give you a reason to get up and go every day. How can your workout be boring when you have your best friend right there with you? You can joke about how much it sucks and push each other to do better. You’ll walk away thinking you’ve just hung out with a friend instead of worked your butt off.

Go Somewhere New

Maybe you don’t hate the exercise part, maybe you just hate where you exercise. If you find that you really hate working out in a gym, then try a different form of exercising and take it to the park or the beach! Changing your surroundings can make a huge difference on how much you have fun during your workout.

Change up Your Routine

If you don’t like working out, maybe you’re just too bored with the same old routine. You should always switch up your workouts so you’re never doing the exact same sequence of exercises in a row. Not only will that keep you entertained, but it’s also more beneficial for your body!

Working out is something that a lot of us have to learn to love. But following these tips and trying these workouts you’ll be able to make exercising much more fun. All you have to do is try different things until you find the one that works best for you. Then you’ll be able to accomplish any goals you have!


Stay Fit on the Go With These Easy to Master Full Body Workouts


Hi there all! This is a question I get ALL the time, “Jen, how do I workout when I’m traveling?” It’s been asked so many times that I think it’s really important to answer it in this blog instead of just individually.

I also love this topic because it I can relate to it so much. I travel quite a bit and that means I have to sacrifice my gym time because there just isn’t a gym readily available all the time. So, I’ve come up with some really effective workouts that are really easy to master no matter where you are.


Bench Dips

This is one of the easiest workouts to do because you can do it on just about any chair-like surface – even a bed works! All you have to do is face away from the chair/bench/bed or whatever it is you’re using, put your hands on the seat surface, and lower yourself down and push yourself back up to activate and work those triceps!

Jump Squats

I can’t tell you enough how great jump squats are for engaging not only your glutes, but your whole legs. The explosive power used in jump squats helps to grow your booty, tone your thighs, and chisel those calves! Start off this workout with your feet shoulder width apart (wider if this is uncomfortably too close for you), angle your feet outward just slightly, lower yourself into a squatting position, and jump straight up as high as you can. When you come back down go right into your next jump squat.


This is another really effective workout that you can literally do anywhere! This exercise is mostly known for working your abs, but it also gives your shoulders, quads, and back a workout, too. There are a few different ways you can do planks and all of them are perfect for staying fit on the go. All you need to do is get on the floor (preferably a soft area), put your feet out behind you and lean on your elbows with your body straight. Hold this for as long as you can and then rest for 30 seconds before doing it again. Do this 3 times and you’ll start to feel the burn! Another way to do this that is a little bit easier for those of you just starting your fitness journey is to move up to your hands instead of your elbows.


If you know what a burpee is, then you probably hate it! The reason most people don’t like this workout that’s great for staying fit on the go is because it’s so HARD – which also means it works. All you do is lay flat on the ground on your stomach with your toes against the ground and your hands pushing on the ground just at the side of your stomach. Next, push up with your hands and snap your legs under you so you’re in a squat position and jump straight up into the air. It’s basically like combining a pushup with a jump squat but when you come back down from the jump, you get pack into your push-up stance and start all over.


This is another fantastic workout that really gets your whole body involved and it’s perfect for staying fit on the go because you can do it just about anywhere, your hotel room, a park, or even in the airport! Get down on the ground laying on your stomach, keep your body in a straight line, and push up off the ground from your sides. When you come back down make sure your elbows get to 90 degrees or less in order to gain the most benefits! If some of you aren’t able to do a full push-up but still want to get a good workout in, just put your knees on the ground and do the same thing. It’s a little bit easier but gets the job done!


Tips for Staying Fit on the Go

Here are just a few additional tips that can help you burn more calories and stay more fit when you’re on vacation, traveling for work, or even to use in your everyday lives.

Take the Stairs

Elevators are great for going up and down floors quickly, but they’re also not nearly as beneficial as taking the stairs. Taking the stairs is just a no-brainer if you want to stay fit on the go because it’s literally a manmade workout that you won’t even notice you’re getting. It makes a big difference if you start using the stairs every day instead of the elevator.

Stand Instead of Sit

If you have a job that makes you sit down a lot, just stand up and do your work instead. It burns more calories and is much better for your back and core. You can also stand and do calf raises if you really want to take your fitness on the go up a notch.

Always Carry a Water Bottle

You should always make sure you’re carrying around a water bottle with you everywhere. Staying hydrated is one of the most important part of staying fit on the go and you’ll always have access to it.

Utilize Your Environment

I’m sure you all have noticed by now that I don’t always use the gym to get a workout in. Sometimes I’m in a park or out on the balcony. You should always look around you and start utilizing your environment as workout equipment no matter where you are!

I understand more than anyone that you can’t always be in the comfort of your own at times. You may have to travel and you still have to be fit no matter where you are. These easy to master workouts are perfect for those of you who want to stay fit on the go!

Let me know which of these workouts are your favorite and why!

Why Stretch?


The benefits of daily exercise are well known, however the benefits of a regular stretching routine are far less known.

I used to avoid stretching. It was the last thing I wanted to do after a hard workout or before. After a busy day I just wanted to get my workout done and would skip stretching to save time. This was a big mistake. A mistake made by many and here is why:

Physical Benefits:

  1. a)  Increases blood flow to the muscles; this will bring nutrients to the muscles and therefore speed up recovery of sore muscles.

  2. b)  Warms up the muscles causing the muscles to be more flexible and decreasing the risk of soft tissue injury, strains and sprains.

  3. c)  Increased flexibility will contribute to better balance and coordination

  4. d)  Helps to keep spine in alignment which will increase good posture

  5. e)  Allows the organs of the body to work more efficiently

Mental Benefits:
a) Decreases stress. When we are stressed we tense up our muscles that can lead to headaches and back aches. Stretching can alleviate these issues.

  1. b)  Calms the mind. Just 10-15 minutes of stretching can help to relax the body and mind

  2. c)  Allows the mind to take a break and re-charge, increasing mental focus.

Now you know the importance and benefits of stretching – HOW do you stretch? WHAT do you stretch? There are many options, and it is important to do what fits best into your schedule.

Before Exercise- Do a short warm up to get the heart pumping and blood flowing, such as short jog, or 30 jumping jacks. Follow with 10-15 minutes of stretching starting with your big muscles and joints in your legs and hips. You can use both dynamic and static stretches to maximize your stretches. From there you can move into your shoulders, arms and core.

After Exercise- During your cool down after exercise, compete a short series of stretches 10-15 minutes to prevent the muscles you worked from tightening up too quickly. Use this time to get deeper into the stretch.

Some people set a side 1-2 days a week for an hour session of just stretching. There are several options available. You can do on your own or look for some classes offered at your local gym. I am finally starting to get into yoga!  Whatever you choose to do, make sure to include stretching in your daily routine – your body and mind will thank you!

Full Body Workout


The most successful and fastest way to build muscle and burn calories is to do a full body workout. Losing fat cannot be isolated to one particular place. It is through good diet and exercise that weight will be lost all over the body. You can isolate muscle tone, and you can get the most for your efforts from a workout that incorporates a variety of muscles and works the cardiovascular system as well. What follows is a simple intense workout you can do anywhere, anytime and your whole body will work hard!

HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. Increase your heart rate; work a variety of muscle groups together. The key is to not do the same thing everyday, but change up the exercises. I have included a basic full body workout. I also have included how to change it up and still be just as effective.

After a nice warm up and stretching do the following

12 minutes of work

15 Thrusters (the heavier the weight, the more challenging) 15 Butterfly Sit-ups 10 Push-ups

Repeat until time is up
Day 2. warm up, stretch, and get your blood flowing

12 minutes of work

15 Burpees 15 Air Squats 10 Tricep Dips

Repeat until time is up
Use a variety of combinations with just 6 different movements. Regardless of how you stack them, you will get full bodywork out. Challenge yourself by adding heavier weight to the thrusters and adding some weight to the air squats.

Thrusters Instructional Video:

Burpee Instructional Video:

Butterfly Sit- up Instructional Video: (if you do not have an abmat, you can simply use a rolled up towel, or you can do without it completely

Air Squat Instructional Video: (full push up)