Getting Back on Track After a Weekend of "Cheat Meals" and Partying


Hi everyone! So, over the weekend I had a celebration and obviously may have had a little more cheat meals than I should have and partied a bit more than I usually do.

I think we all have those weekends or even weeks that gets us thrown off track and has us indulging in things we normally wouldn’t. While it’s really fun and you get to eat ALL the delicious food, it’s also really hard to get back on track after a few days of this.

That’s why today I’m going to help all of you with how to get back on track after a weekend of cheat meals and partying because, well, I need some help, too! This is how you can have a crazy weekend and still manage to start your Motivation Monday off right.


Stay Hydrated

Partying usually goes hand in hand with having a few drinks – at least it does for me every once in awhile– especially during celebrations. Which means you’re more than likely dehydrated at this point. One great way to start feeling better and to even get rid of cravings is to stay hydrated. Add a liter of water to the normal amount of water you usually drink in a day to get back on track after a weekend of fun.


Reevaluate Your Goals

Sometimes one weekend is enough to derail us from our goals the Monday after. We get so caught up in the drinking and eating junk food that we think it’s not a big deal to just have a few more cheat meals during the week.

One way for you guys to get back on track is to reevaluate your goals. Open that picture up again or go find that piece of paper that had them all written down. Coming face to face with those goals will push you to stick to your diet and exercise program.


Prepare Healthy Snacks And Meals

When you have a few cheat meals, chances are those meals were BIG – I know mine always are. That means your stomach has stretched out a little bit and you’ll start to feel hungrier more often than you did when you were in your prime routine.

In order to get back on track, you should prepare healthy snacks and meals that you can just grab quickly and eat. If you have to wait and think about what you want to eat, you’ll probably end up choosing something that resembles your cheat meal weekend. Always aim for fruit, nuts, or healthy forms of protein to keep you feeling full!

If you struggle with this, you could utilize the Customized Meal Plan program which will give you tons of recipes to keep you on track to reach your goals.


Never Skip A Monday

This is the GOLDEN RULE! If you really want to stay on track after a weekend where you partied a little more than usual, never skip that Monday. You may feel tired, weak, and kind of crappy from all the junk food, but you HAVE to get into that gym and eat the same foods you were before.

By going in on that Monday, you’re telling your body that it’s time to get back on track and you’re also showing yourself that you can get right back to it without skipping a day. Mondays are so important because they’re always the hardest. If you can push past it and go in on a Monday, you can do it on any day.


Get Right Back To Your Previous Routine

Just because you took a weekend off doesn’t mean that your routine is completely ruined. Your body will recognize being back in the routine and start to feel much better if you stick to it. Don’t wait a week before going back to things as you did before, start right away and it’ll wake your body up!


Detox Drink

After a weekend of fun, your body is probably filled with toxins that you don’t normally have. One way to kick extra cravings and feel all-around better is to drink a detox drink first thing Monday morning.

This will not only wake up your system, but it will help flush out all of that junk that you put into your body during your free for all. This recipe is a great one for detoxing your system so you’ll feel better and be reenergized to get right back on track. Plus, it’s delicious!

Watermelon – One cup cut up is enough for one glass. Watermelon actually has an amino acid that can help  your kidneys and liver flush out toxins that got built up over the weekend.

Cucumber – Half a cucumber is all you need. This is helpful for the same exact reason watermelon is and it helps keep you hydrated to reduce cravings.

Lemon – Lemons are powerful at detoxing your body and adding a little freshness to the flavor.

Lime – Lime goes really well with watermelon and mint and will tie this whole drink together by adding its own detoxifying agents, as well.

Mint Leaves – 4-5 large leaves will do for this recipe. Mint is not only refreshing, but it will also help kick those cravings you developed from letting yourself indulge over the weekend and even ease your stomach if you’re not feeling well.

Directions: Chop the watermelon, cucumbers, and mint into small pieces and add them to 8-12oz of water.  Squeeze half a lemon and half a lime into the mixture. Drink up and enjoy!


Overall, the most important thing you can do to get back on track after a weekend of cheat meals and partying is to get right back into your routine – same workouts, same meals, etc. Doing this will get your body back into the swing of things and it’ll be easier for you to maintain.

This happens to everyone – even the best of us – so it’s really important for us all to know how to get back on track. Tell me about a time you had to get back on track and what you did to maintain your routine after a weekend of cheat meals and partying!