Appreciate What You Have – 6 Ways to be Grateful Every Day

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to touch on a topic that I think a lot of us forget about. I know I’m guilty of it from time to time and truthfully, I’d like to work on being better. And that’s appreciating what I have and what I’m grateful for.

If someone would have told me in high school that I would have the life I have today and that I’d get to do what I love every single day, I wouldn’t have believed them. Now I have more to be grateful for than I ever could’ve imagined.

I think it’s really important to take a step back once in a while and evaluate all of the great things in your life. Your health, happiness, family, friends, and even your job are all amazing things that someone else isn’t so lucky to have. Learning to be appreciative of those things can make a huge difference in your life – and your happiness.

If you ever feel like you’re taking your life for granted, doing these 6 things can get you back on track and help you see how much you have to be thankful for.


1.  Be Present in the Moment

How many times during the day are you doing something really cool and you barely even notice it? You may have a great meal with a friend and instead of being in the moment, you snap a few pictures for Instagram.

While it’s perfectly okay to want to document the great things in your life, it’s important to actually appreciate those things while they’re happening. You should never look back on a picture and forget about the great feelings you had at that time. So be present in the moment. Put your phone away and really experience things.


2.  Keep an Appreciation Journal

It may sound silly to keep a little notebook next to your bed to write down everything you’re grateful for, but it can actually help you see how great your life is. Before you go to bed, just write down a few things you appreciate about your day. You may even just be thankful you got a coffee at Starbucks that day. No matter what it is, writing it down can help you visually see that you actually have amazing things in your life – even if you don’t notice them at first.


3. Stop Complaining and Start Talking about Gratitude

We all complain about things. I know I do! No matter what we’re unhappy with, we can turn it around by cutting off the complaining and instead replacing that negativity with gratitude.

Instead of being annoyed that you had to get up early, voice how grateful you are to have a job that you need to be up early for. Some people aren’t so lucky. You may be complaining about something you see as a negative that could actually be the best thing ever to someone else.


4. Pay it Forward

When you start to feel like you’re not appreciating the things in your life, giving someone else something to appreciate can actually help. Volunteering and going out of your way to do something kind for someone else can help you realize just how great your own life is. Not only will it make you feel better, it’ll give that other person something to write down in their appreciation journal at the end of the day.

This is especially true for those closest to you in your life. Often times, we don’t appreciate those around us simply because they’re there every day. We just don’t think to show them how much we care. Paying it forward and showing them how much you appreciate them can make your relationship stronger and it can remind you how great it is to have them in your life.


5.  Look at Your Situation from the Outside

Often times, we get too wrapped up in our own heads and our own lives. We don’t really look at our life from an outsider’s perspective and therefore, we don’t realize just how great we have things.

If you take a step back and view your life from someone else’s perspective, you’ll often find things to appreciate that you never thought you would. So if you’re feeling particularly upset about something, try thinking about your situation from the outside.


6.  Unplug and Enjoy Your Friends & Family

It’s not enough to just be with your friends and family. You actually have to be present and appreciate them. Take a break from your phone and spend some quality time with your loved ones. The one thing we all take for granted more than anything else is the love we have in our lives. Thank your family, thank your friends, and show them how much they mean to you. Doing something small to show them your appreciation every day can help you – and them – lead a happier life.

No matter who you are, you have something to be grateful for. Whether it’s your health, your happiness, or even just your job, learning to appreciate those things can make you realize how great you have it.


What are you grateful for?

If you have any other topics you’d like me to cover, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below and join me for a discussion! I’m always active on social media and waiting to hear from you :)
