
Worrying is a Pain! Here’s How You Can Stop Doing it

Selter Fruit

Hi my loves! I hope all of you are having a fantastic day. Today I wanted to talk about something that is close to all of our hearts and that’s the fact that worrying sucks. Everybody has worries in life – it’s just how we are as people.

But sometimes that worrying can go too far and leave us drained, exhausted, and it can even lower our self-esteem. I wanted to help all of you out with the different ways you can stop worrying and just be happy to live in the moment. These are a few techniques you can do and think about whenever you start to worry too much about anything!

Stop Yourself and Think About Positive Outcomes

We all can get too caught up in our worries and what negative things may come with whatever we’re worrying about. If you want to stop worrying, you should stop and take some time to think about the positive things that can happen instead of all the negative things.

If you start doing this every single time you start worrying, your brain will actually get used to thinking about positive things when you worry. That way you can turn that anxiety into something good!

Exercise Regularly

This may not seem like it’s all that connected to worrying but it actually can be. Many of us worry because we’re really stressed out about something – I can definitely relate to this. Exercising actually reduces your stress and helps you think clearly.

Instead of spending an hour worrying about something, take that hour and go work hard at the gym. You may even find that the gym will give your more confidence and having confidence can also help you deal with any worries you may have.

Talk to Someone Close to You

Talking to your support system about your worries is a great way to get them off your chest and to get a second opinion. Getting a friend’s take on your situation can also help you realize that you may be overreacting and you have nothing to worry about. Their advice may also help you with your situation!

Write Your Worries Down in a Journal

If you don’t want to talk to anyone about what’s going on in your head you can also write down your worries in a notebook. Sometimes seeing your fears written down can help you realize that they’re not all that bad after all. You can also use this as an exercise to write down your worries and then write down what good can come out of it.

Take a Deep Breath and Realize that Everything Will Work Out in the End

This is the most important thing to do if you worry a lot. Just sit back, take a deep breath, and know that everything will work out in the end. Sometimes we worry for absolutely no reason and if you realize this, it’ll help you feel better about whatever it is you’re worry about.

Worrying can put a damper on your whole day and even prevent you from achieving some of your goals. If you practice these simple steps every time you start to worry it can help you stop worrying so much so you can actually take control of your problems with a clear head!

Staying Motivated During the Holiday Season (and Cheat Meal Tips)


Hi babes! Holiday season IS HERE! Although this is many of our favorite time of the year because there’s fun and family involved, our health can often take a toll. With all of the family and fun comes big meals, desserts (hello, dark chocolate-my FAV!), and holiday drinks! While of all this will be good for your soul, it’s not really good for your fitness journey.

But have no fear! There are ways to stay motivated during the holiday season and even different ways you can have a few cheat meals without feeling overly guilty. Here’s what I do to keep up with my fitness regiment and how you can enjoy your holiday season while keeping your fitness on the right track.

1.    Don’t Skip Regular Workouts

Just because you have family staying over at your place or have big holiday plans later in the day doesn’t mean you can’t spend an hour or so in the gym. If you normally go to the gym on a Monday, then make sure to get in the gym on that day no matter what’s going on around you. Keeping your scheduled workouts in, or scheduling them if you haven't already will not only keep you fit, but it’ll help you stay on track and feel less guilty!


2.    Drink MORE Water

Since you’ll most likely be eating and drinking stuff you normally don’t consume on a regular basis, you should always remember to drink more water. This will help flush out unwanted toxins and keep your metabolism running smoothly all day. Not to mention being hydrated helps keep you feeling full so you won’t over eat.


3.    Have a Holiday Fit Buddy

You can’t be the only person in your family focused on staying fit during the holidays. Since there will be more family members around, recruit people to help keep you motivated and you’ll do the same for them in return. I'm also always here for you too!! (1 tweet away ;) 


4.    Play Active Holiday Games

Instead of playing a card game, find games that requires everyone to get up and moving! It doesn’t have to be a game of football outside, but it should be enough to get your blood pumping so you’re not just sitting all day long.


5.    Don’t Forget That Bodyweight Workouts Count

If you can’t get to the gym due to time constraints or because your gym closes on certain holidays, that’s no excuse. You can do SO MANY at-home workouts that can be just as effective as getting into the gym. Make no excuses and get a workout in no matter how short! I'll be launching my Fitplan, if you haven't signed up yet be sure to check it out <3


6.    Bring Healthy Dishes to Pass

If you’re worried about all the delicious - but bad for you - foods that will be there, bring a couple healthier dishes to pass. If you fill up on those before indulging in some unhealthy options, you’ll feel less guilty and eat much healthier. Another bonus tip is to fill up your plate half full of veggies before anything else!


7.    Make Healthy Desserts to Indulge in

Desserts are going to be rough for everyone who’s trying to watch what they eat. Believe me when I say I could eat pounds of dark chocolate without batting an eye. The trick for this is to bring a dessert that’s both sweet and somewhat healthy. That way you can eat that one first and eat less of the desserts that are worse for you.


8.    Don’t Beat Yourself up About a Few Cheat Meals

This is something you have to remember. Having a few cheat meals doesn’t mean it’s the end of your fitness journey or that your workouts will be pointless and therefore you should skip them. You are allowed to indulge and enjoy the time with your friends and family. Just make sure to get right back on track after the holiday and even kick it up a notch if you really want to feel better about your holiday indulgences.

Remember the festive season is for fun, family, and making memories. It shouldn’t be about feeling guilty for those actions. By staying motivated during the holidays you’ll feel much better about making memories instead of regretting one too many desserts! xoxo love you all


How to Give Thanks This Holiday Season


Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your continued love and support. Seriously, I’m so thankful for all of you who keep me motivated and inspired to live my best life, every single day.  

It’s easy to forget about all the things we’re thankful for during the rest of the year, which is why we have a special time to remember them and give thanks. There’s so much to be thankful for every day and taking a moment to realize this elicits positive energy in the world. I'm a big believer in the energy you put out is what you get back in return - so make sure to spread only good vibes always.  I wanted to share some daily encouragement to be more thankful throughout the whole year and not just on Thanksgiving.  Here are my five tips to giving thanks this holiday season:


1.        Appreciate the small things, no matter how small.  This goes without saying.  Anything that brings you joy or that helps you out in life, you should be thankful for.  

2.        Don’t take ANYTHING for granted. One of the greatest tragedies of life is never knowing when something is for the last time.  It’s important to realize what you have when you have it, because oftentimes we only realize what we have when it’s gone.  

3.        Remember, what goes around comes around. If you’re grateful for what the universe provides, the universe will continue to provide.  Giving credit where credit is due, treating others how you’d like to be treated, and accepting whatever is thrown your way, is good karma.  Encourage someone when they need it and be thankful for the opportunity to do so.  When you need it, you know karma has your back.   

4.       Look on the bright side.  When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.  If ever you’re feeling sad or doubtful, frustrated with life, and that you have nothing to be gracious for, that itself is something to be grateful for.  What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and overcoming challenges helps build resilience. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

5.       Find one thing to be grateful for every single day.   This is something even I forget to do sometimes, but it’s important to designate one moment every day to list the things your thankful for.  Maybe it’s in the morning, right when you wake up and you’re thankful for your health and the strength to wake up and start your day.  Maybe it’s before you go to sleep and you’re thankful for all of the wonderful things that have happened to you that day.  Whatever works for you, remember, there is always something to be thankful for.  

Overall, just remember to appreciate everything you have in your life - even the bad - because without the bad, it’s hard to recognize all of the good. Don’t let another year go by without remembering just how great of a life you truly have. 

I’m grateful for all of you every single day, what are you thankful for? Comment below :)

How to be More Confident

Hey babes! If there’s one thing everybody struggles with, even me, it’s being confident in your own skin. We all try so hard to look better, be fitter, and even when we reach our goals, we still lack the confidence to be happy with who we are.

I just want to make sure all of you know that you’re not alone and there are ways to help find your confidence so you can finally start feeling better about who you are because you’re amazing and you all should realize that.

There are a lot of things you can do every day to help yourself feel more confident. Some are really easy, while others may take some time. Either way, you should always strive to practice these things in your everyday lives so you can be more confident and love who you are!

1.    Wake Up and Write Down 3 Things You Love About Yourself

This is a ritual all people should have – no matter who they are. If you wake up every single day and jot down three things you love about yourself, you’re starting the day thinking positively of yourself already! Another thing you can do is, before bed every night, write a message on your bathroom mirror that makes you feel beautiful and confident. That way, when you look at it in the morning, you’ll feel amazing to start the day!

2.    Count Your Blessings

I know this might sound a little cheesy, but I think a lot of us – me included – forget about all the positive things we have in our lives. This can make us feel less confident because we think we don’t have anything to feel good about. Look around you. Realize everything you have that makes you happy and makes you feel good about yourself. There’s more there than you think! Everything that makes you who you are is unique and that alone makes it beautiful.

3.    Shut Down the Negative Thoughts

There are far too many of us who let our negative thoughts cloud the positive ones in our lives. I once read that the average person has 65,000 thoughts a day and about 85% of them are negative. No wonder too many of us aren’t thinking positively about ourselves! Now imagine if you shut down every negative thought you had and replaced it with something good about yourself. You would be living a much happier life and you’d learn just how much there is to love about yourself.

4.    Work On Bettering Yourself Daily

How many of you do something every day that improves who you are as a person? I think a lot of people go through their life and focus on work, school, and the stresses their facing and don’t have time to make themselves a better person. If you dedicate time every day to making yourself better, you’ll start feeling so much more confident about yourself. So go to the gym, volunteer at a shelter, or even read motivational books! The options of improving yourself are endless.

5.    Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others – (especially online or in magazines)

This is just human nature. We look at someone online who looks great and seems to have everything put together and our confidence plummets. The thing is, we can’t compare how great we are with how great we think someone else is! We don’t know anything about their lives and what it’s like behind the picture we see. Therefore, we can’t compare ourselves to them because, well, we aren’t them! Whenever you start feeling bad about yourself because of something you see online or in a magazine, shut it down and think about something you’re great at to boost yourself up again.

Lacking confidence is something many of us have to deal with every day. I know I struggle with it from time to time, but I also know how to build myself up when I don’t feel confident. Take it from someone who knows how you feel and try these ways to have more confidence!

Selter Confident

Say Goodbye to All Your Bad Habits with This Technique

I hope all of you are doing fantastic today. The week is almost over but you still have 2 more days to push toward your goals and make them happen!

One thing I want to talk about today is how we all have bad habits. We do. Some of them are harmless while others can hold you back from achieving the things you really want to.

For example, sleeping in. It seems like it’s a perfectly fine thing to do when you don’t really have anything to do right away in the morning, but if you’re trying to get up early and head to the gym before work, sleeping in can ruin your energy every morning!

A lot of you have told me about certain habits of yours that you think are holding you back from hitting your goals and I just wanted to share something that helped me in the hopes that it will help you just as much and that’s the 21-day rule. 


What Is The 21-Day Rule?

I’m sure you guys may have seen me post about this before and that’s because it REALLY WORKS! It’s just the idea that it takes you 21 days to make or break a habit. If you do something consistently for 21 days you will have made a habit out of it.

That’s LESS THAN A MONTH! I think all of you are capable of doing this and so much more! Once you start doing something daily for 21 days, it will feel weird when you DON’T do it.


Making The 21-Day Rule A Bit Easier

This is honestly the hardest part of the whole thing and it’s really not even that bad. Think of a bad habit that you have and you want to break. Got it? Now, every single time you start doing this, you will stop yourself and find a NEW habit to pick up – one that is beneficial for you.

Instead of just trying to hold yourself back from doing the bad habit, starting the new one will actually keep your mind occupied AND it’s adding something valuable to your life. The technique of replacing an old habit with a new one at the same time makes this process a whole lot easier for you.

For example, every single time you reach for a bag of chips, grab a piece of fruit instead. Now, eat the piece of fruit and drink a whole glass of water. Doing this every single time you want a bag of chips for 21 days will make you get into the habit of eating fruit and drinking water for a snack instead of filling your body with something harmful and bad for you.

See how much better that can be for you?!


Just Give It 21 Days!

I know that sounds like a piece of cake, but it will be hard at first. All you have to remember is that it’s 21 days. Only 21 days and you can be FREE of that old, bad habit that is weighing you down and you can pick up a new habit that is really healthy and good for you!

I know that all of you are capable of achieving any goal you want to! Getting rid of your bad habits with this 21-Day rule is only going to help you get there faster. I believe in you and after 21 days, you’ll believe in yourself, too!


Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You


Don't waste energy or time caring about what other people think about you. This took me a long time to learn, so I want to remind you all why it's so important. 

If you waste energy being so concerned with what everyone else thinks, you'll never be good enough, fit enough, smart enough, and the list goes on.

Remember, what's beautiful to some is ugly to others. That's why it is so important to decide what YOU want and spend your energy getting there and feeling good about it. The only opinion that matters is your opinion of yourself. 

Spend your energy working on your goals to get where you want to be. When you feel good, you look good! You radiate positively and it's contagious. 

The more time you spend working on yourself (and the less time spent on worrying about the opinions of others) the quicker you'll get to where you want to be and the better you'll feel when you see your progress. 

I believe that everyone has the power to look and feel the way they want and it's in your control to make it happen. You can do it!

Motivation Can Unlock Your Inner Strengths – Here’s How

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! There’s something that I want to talk about today that you may have never thought of before. I want to touch on the topic of motivation and how it can help you unlock your inner strengths.

A lot of us lack motivation in our lives and this doesn’t just affect our ability to get in the gym and make a change in our bodies, it also affects other aspects of our lives, too. We all have certain inner strengths that get buried in doubt when we lack motivation. This is how motivation can unlock your inner strengths not only in your fitness life, but in your work and personal lives, too.


You’ll Be More Positive

Positivity can go a LONG way when it comes to every part of your life. If you’re more positive about situations, you’ll have more success in them. When you can get motivation in your life, it’ll help you see that positive side of things.

When you have a positive outlook on life, not only can you see the good side of even the worse situations, but you can actually turn those bad situations into good ones just with your attitude. Having motivation will help train your mind to think in a positive and uplifting way.


You’ll Believe In Yourself

Motivation doesn’t just stop at helping you get up off the couch. If you find motivation often, you’ll start to notice just how much you believe in yourself. This isn’t only beneficial in the fitness world, it can have drastic changes on the rest of your life as well.

When you believe that you are capable of great things, you will start to put yourself out there and push for greatness. When you know that you can do something, you will succeed in doing it and motivation is a huge part in making you start to believe in who you are.


You’ll Make More Sound Decisions

Basically with this one, by keeping motivation in your life, it’ll help you learn to trust yourself. When you trust who you are and the decisions you make, it makes it so much easier to actually make those choices and stick with them.

When you have frequent motivation to do the things you love and the things you have to do in order to get to the person you want to be, you’ll find that you’ll trust yourself more and more as you continue in your journey. When you trust yourself, it’s so much easier to understand what you have to do to reach your goals.

We all know how powerful motivation can be to get us in the gym, but I don’t think many know just how important it is in shaping our entire lives. If you’re lacking motivation, go out there and find what motivates you and cling to it. Whether it’s a certain fitness account, goal body picture, or even the condition of your health, hold on to that motivation and you’ll change your whole life.


Add These Exercises to Your Routine for Some Extra Fun and Benefits


Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weeked! I wanted to talk about something that I think we can all relate to. Many of you tell me you really want to lose weight and get in shape…but you’re bored with the same routine and you’re just not having fun.

This is completely understandable and a lot of people feel the same way as you. Not every workout is going to be super exciting. In fact, you may even cut your workouts short or skip them altogether because you just want to go do something fun instead.

For all of you who feel this way, I’m here to help! If you’re lacking entertainment in your workouts and you want to step them up to the next level and benefit from them more, your answers are here. These are a few workouts for you and some different tips on making your workout regimen entertaining!


If you don’t know what Zumba is, it’s a video or class based workout that has you following an instructor and dancing to a bunch of really fun songs. The best part about this workout is that you burn calories and tone your body all at the same time without even realizing it’s even a workout!


For all of you that don’t like the intensity of exercise, try doing yoga instead! Not only is this a really great way to tone your entire body, but you’ll also feel calm and increase your flexibility. The best part about this is that you’ll go away with a really good workout and you’ll feel really relaxed afterwards.

Ultimate Frisbee

For those of you rolling your eyes or even laughing at this one, just remember that playing this can burn you the same as just running on a treadmill or down the street. You’ll burn tons of calories and tone more than just your legs, too.

Dance Class

If none of you have ever taken a hip-hop dance class but you hate exercising, you may want to reconsider. Even if you’re an awful dancer, going to this dance class can help you burn some serious calories all while you’re dancing and hanging out with friends!


If you’re the outdoorsy type, you can be guaranteed that this workout will benefit you more than forcing yourself to do a bunch of boring lifts. Not only will this help your cardio, but adding a weighted backpack with even just a picnic lunch and some water will help add some muscle to your legs and core. AND you get to enjoy an amazing view as your reward.

Tips for Making it Fun

Get a Workout Buddy

This is one of the best ways to make working out fun and give you a reason to get up and go every day. How can your workout be boring when you have your best friend right there with you? You can joke about how much it sucks and push each other to do better. You’ll walk away thinking you’ve just hung out with a friend instead of worked your butt off.

Go Somewhere New

Maybe you don’t hate the exercise part, maybe you just hate where you exercise. If you find that you really hate working out in a gym, then try a different form of exercising and take it to the park or the beach! Changing your surroundings can make a huge difference on how much you have fun during your workout.

Change up Your Routine

If you don’t like working out, maybe you’re just too bored with the same old routine. You should always switch up your workouts so you’re never doing the exact same sequence of exercises in a row. Not only will that keep you entertained, but it’s also more beneficial for your body!

Working out is something that a lot of us have to learn to love. But following these tips and trying these workouts you’ll be able to make exercising much more fun. All you have to do is try different things until you find the one that works best for you. Then you’ll be able to accomplish any goals you have!